10 Apr

Error establishing a database connection.

It’s been really a long time since my last update. There’s been an “Error establishing a database connection” problem hanppened to my wordpress. I thought it would take some time for me to solve this problem, and I’ve been really busy recently, so I didn’t manage to spare some time for this problem. However, I tried to restart my VPS today and, “PUFF!”, the blog started to work again. A little surprise to my grey life recently.

12 Jun

Problems about compiling (with pyinstaller).

It’s really a huge work for me this week to compile my nlk program with new interface into exe. I ran into a lot of problems. Fortunately, I managed to solve them through Googling. I will note some of the major problems below.

1.No module named *** :
At firse I was trying py2exe. However, a lot of modules can not be included in py2exe. So I turned to pyinstaller. I can get a exe file with pyinstaller, but when i ran it, a command window flashed out and report “No mudule named ***”. I included the missing files in the bat file one by one according to the reports. That leads my bat file to be very lengthy:

pyinstaller -F -w myscript.py --hidden-import=scipy.special._ufuncs_cxx --hidden-import=scipy.integrate --hidden-import=scipy.integrate.quadrature --hidden-import=scipy.integrate.odepack --hidden-import=scipy.integrate._odepack --hidden-import=scipy.integrate.quadpack --hidden-import=scipy.integrate._quadpack --hidden-import=scipy.integrate.quadpack --hidden-import=scipy.integrate._ode --hidden-import=scipy.integrate.vode --hidden-import=scipy.integrate._dop --hidden-import=scipy.integrate.lsoda

Most of the files are from scipy.integrate. I guess there should be a simpler method to include the whole folder with one command which i don’t know at the moment.

after all these test-and-modify, I finally got an “executable” executable file.

2. get rid of the black window on running .exe: this is very simple. Just as the bat file shown above, a simple “-w” solved this problem.

3. file already exists but should not: ***pyconfig.h:
Before my program opened its window, there was another window which reports: file already exists but should not: *****(a path which i can not remember now)/pyconfig.h.
I found the solution here:
when I start the compiling Bat file, a .spec file which contains the compiling configuration information was generated in the same folder with the file name “myscript(.spec)”. What i have to do is to modify this spec file. just like the answer in the above link, I have to add after a=Analysis something like this :

for d in a.datas:
    if 'pyconfig' in d[0]: 

Then, I have to modify the bat file. Because All the required compiling configurations are in the spec file now, I should not re-run the previous bat file to over write spec, but call the spec file directly in bat. The new bat file is very short:

pyinstaller nlk.spec

4.myscript.exe not a valid win32 application:

My exe worked fine on win64. But when I ran it on a 32bit XP, it reported “myscript.exe not a valid win32 application”.

My script was written and compiled in a 64-bit version Winpython. It seems that I have to install a new 32-bit winpython.

So I installed 32-bit winpython and installed qtutil and pyinstaller which was not contained in winpython.I compiled the script in 32wp, and ran it again. Still, it reported the same error. Then I found that although I had unregistered the 64wp and registered the 32wp, the path in environment variable still point to the 64wp.So I modified the environment variable to 32wp and tried again. This time the compiling comand window reported a new error:

5.pyinstaller distributionnotfound:

Solution to this error is:

First, up date pip to latest version:

python -m pip install --upgrade --force pip

Second, re-install pyinstaller with the new pip (I’m not sure if this step is necessary).

Third, compile with the new pyinstaller.


After all these strivings, I finally got an executable file that worked perfectly on both 64bit and 32bit windows systems. Special thanks to GOOGLE without which I might never complete my work.

27 May

“Qtutils” is a useful pack

I come up with an problem: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30180046/statusbar-doesnt-show-message-immediately-and-sometimes-crash

I created an interface in pyqt4 designer, there is only a button and a status bar. I want to show a message in the status bar when I click the button. For some reason I have to put this action in a new thread.

But when I click the button, nothing happened. The message didn’t appear until I drag the edge of the window. Sometimes the click action even cause the program to crash

as three_pineapples answered :”The crash happens because you are interacting with the Qt GUI from a secondary thread. You are only allowed to interact with the GUI from the main thread”.

He provided a very useful pack “qtutils”.

I define my interaction action as a new fuction, say shili(self). When I want to interact with GUI from a secondary thread, I simply write :


10 May

Chinese character coding problem in pyqt4

I want to save a file with a Chinese name in pyqt.

It reports: IOError: [Errno 22] invalid mode ('w') or filename: PyQt4.QtCore.QString(u'D:/Users/zhout_000/Desktop/\u672a\u547d\u540d.dxf')

Reason: the type of the filename read from the file dialog is infact “QString”, not”string”

Solve: convert QString to unicode: fileName=unicode(QtCore.QString(fileName))

24 Mar

“spyder error: ‘import sitecustomize’ failed; use -v for traceback

#this article was transferred from my Blogger.

win8 spyder

the programm is totally correct, and it did give a correct out put

but after the out put there is an error message reads:”spyder error: ‘import sitecustomize’ failed; use -v for traceback”

solve:#8 NathanH…@gmail.com

I decided to set an environment variable in Windows 7 to see if it would fix the problem.  I made a variable named SPYDER_ENCODING and set it to UTF-8.  I no longer get the error.  Is there some problem that spyder has with windows 7's default encoding?  Does anybody have any ideas?

from: https://code.google.com/p/spyderlib/issues/detail?id=771
24 Mar


1、首先是RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded导致编译中断。在STO提问得到解决:在setup文件开头添上:
import sys

# mysetup.py
import sys
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe
options = {
“py2exe”: {“compressed”:1,
windows = [“nlk.py”],
options = options,

OMP: Warning #178: Function GetModuleHandleEx failed
OMP: System error #126: The specified module could not be found.
